From my experience in the Electrical industry one thing, I learned over the years is that if you do not update yourself with time then you will become obsolete in the industry. And for improving yourself I believe
training and knowledge building is necessary. For knowledge building, you can look for some great books that will help to understand more about electrical engineering. I have gone through several books and among these, I will list my top 7 favorites. These will not only grow your knowledge but also will help to understand more about the terms and having these books on your desk will mean you will have more tools if you needed.
I use these books more often than not and I believe you will not regret using them as well.
Electrical Engineering 101 By Darren Ashby: This book is for basic concepts of Electrical Engineering as the name goes. Starting with the basics of electricity, this book explains fundamental principles and components, relating them to real-world examples. Learn about tools, troubleshooting, and how to create and maintain your electronic designs. Written in an accessible style, it breaks down jargon and technical terms as they arise. This updated edition includes new topics like microcontrollers, memory, and high-speed design. Take your electronics education to the next level with this comprehensive resource.
The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz Winfield Hill: This book elaborately describes every circuit design you will face in your life. If you are a hobbyist or maker who wants to acquire or improve a well-rounded knowledge of electronics then The Art of Electronics is an ideal book for you. It starts from the very basics of voltage, current, and resistance without getting heavily dependent on physics theory or mathematics, and proceeds to cover a huge variety of interesting topics. For electronic engineering students, [this book] will help you develop an intuitive understanding, which will make it easier to put math in context, and it will be invaluable when you do practical work for design projects. The Art of Electronics brilliantly conveys its authors’ enthusiasm and experience of practical engineering and is an inspiring read. Many people have described the earlier editions as the best book on electronics, so [this third edition] had a lot to live up to; fortunately, it does not disappoint.
Solid State Electronic Devices – Ben Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee: The book is well-organized and covers semiconductor physics, p-n junctions, metal-semiconductor contacts, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors, and optoelectronic devices. Streetman and Sanjay have explained these complex concepts clearly and concisely, making the book accessible to both students and engineers.